A Wrinkle in Space
With so much chaos and stupidity unfolding around the globe, crushing hope into the ashes of a planet burning on one side and drowning on the other — thanks to human wrought climate change, which we are doing nothing about in the interest of self-centeredness and greed — and the further dimming of the light at the end of the tunnel, the last thing I expected when I woke up Sunday morning was that the universe may possibly possess the ability to learn its own laws and tinker with them in its pursuit of stability.
That is what some Microsoft and Brown University researchers, including one expert who consulted on the film A Wrinkle in Time are saying. Popular Mechanics even published an explainer about this autodidactic universe, saying that the universe has the ability to learn, much like neural networks, its own laws, meaning the physical laws that govern how everything works, and tweak them from time to time to suit its purposes.
And this tweaking has supposedly been going on all along, which could explain some of the treacherous events in my life, such as that one time when I fell out of my car when the officer present said, “please step out of the car, sir.” Trying to explain to the officer that the world tipped just as I put my foot down on the ground didn’t go over well.
Where the hell was the science when I needed it?